Rolls-Royce plc is delighted to be supporting the NATEP programme by hosting the National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme (NATEP) Showcase 2019 on December 5th at its prestigious Learning and Development Centre in Derby.
The Showcase aims to celebrate successes achieved to date from SME organisations within the NATEP programme and provide a forum for companies working on current NATEP projects to present their ideas and network with potential customers and aerospace industry stakeholders.
You can see the latest agenda here.
The Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP) developed the National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme (NATEP) aimed at small and medium sized suppliers to help them develop their own innovative technologies to enhance their capabilities and increase their ability to win new business with higher tier companies around the world.
By continuing to develop an aerospace supply chain with a high rate of innovation, rich in new technologies the UK will be better able to offer the right products and services, at the right time and ahead of the competition. This will ensure that market opportunities are exploited with high value manufacturing work retained in the UK.
Attendance is free and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Directions to the venue can be found here